Car Accident Attorney in Chicago

Chicago Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence on the busy streets of Chicago. From rear-end collisions to T-bone crashes, various types of accidents can lead to serious injuries such as whiplash, broken bones, and spinal cord injuries. Auto accident cases require thorough legal representation and case preparation to ensure victims receive the compensation they deserve. Understanding the causes of these accidents, such as distracted driving and drunk driving, is crucial in preventing them. Knowing Illinois laws regarding car accidents, including statute of limitations and comparative negligence, can help victims protect their rights. Learn more about car accidents in Chicago and how to navigate the legal process with the help of a Chicago car accident attorney.

Types of Car Accidents in Chicago

Chicago experiences various types of auto accidents, each with its unique characteristics and potential for injuries. Understanding these different types is crucial for navigating the legal and medical aftermath of such incidents. Rear-end collisions often occur due to tailgating or sudden braking, leading to neck and back injuries known as whiplash. Head-on collisions are typically the most severe, resulting in catastrophic injuries or fatalities. T-bone collisions, also known as side-impact crashes, commonly happen at intersections and can cause serious injuries to the occupants on the impacted side of the vehicle. Sideswipe collisions usually involve minor damages, but they can still result in injuries, especially if a vehicle swerves off the road. Single vehicle accidents, such as hitting a stationary object or losing control, may indicate negligence on the driver’s part, potentially leading to legal repercussions.

Rear-end Collisions

Rear-end collisions are a common occurrence in Chicago, often resulting from factors like tailgating, distracted driving, or sudden stops. These accidents can lead to various injuries and disputes over liability. The components and worth of a car accident claim in such cases can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. One of the most common injuries associated with rear-end collisions is whiplash, which occurs when the neck jerks back and forth rapidly upon impact. This can cause significant pain and stiffness, often requiring medical treatment and rehabilitation. In more severe cases, rear-end collisions can result in spinal cord damage, leading to long-term disabilities or paralysis. Seeking compensation for such injuries typically involves navigating Chicago’s complex legal system, where having an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer can greatly increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Head-on Collisions

Head-on collisions in Chicago are among the most severe types of car accidents, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or fatalities. The types of car accident cases handled include those involving head-on collisions, and the trial process for these cases can be complex and demanding. Factors such as speeding, impaired driving, or distracted motorists contribute to the occurrence of these tragic events. In head-on collisions, the force of impact is doubled, leading to a high risk of head, neck, and spinal injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, fractures, and internal organ damage are commonly associated with such accidents. Victims may require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care, adding to the emotional and financial burdens.

T-bone Collisions

T-bone collisions, also known as side-impact crashes, pose a significant risk to occupants in Chicago vehicles due to the direct force applied to the side of the car. Factors like running red lights, failure to yield, or speeding often lead to these dangerous accidents. When a vehicle is struck on its side, the impact can cause severe injuries to passengers, especially those sitting closest to the point of impact. Common injuries in T-bone collisions include whiplash, head trauma, broken bones, spinal injuries, and internal organ damage. Legal considerations in such cases are crucial. Determining liability involves examining factors such as traffic laws, witness statements, and accident reconstruction. Victims may seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages through a personal injury claim. Additionally, understanding the process and requirements for filing a car accident lawsuit, including the statute of limitations and types of compensation available, is essential for those involved in T-bone collisions.

Sideswipe Collisions

Sideswipe collisions in Chicago typically involve vehicles brushing against each other in a parallel motion, often due to lane changing errors, distracted driving, or driver inattention. Even though sideswipe collisions are considered minor by some, the consequences can be significant. Injuries such as whiplash, concussions, or spinal injuries can occur, impacting the lives of those involved. Property damage in these accidents can lead to expensive repair costs and insurance claims. When determining fault in sideswipe collisions, law enforcement and insurance companies will assess various factors such as road conditions, weather, and driver behavior. This process can be complex and may require legal representation to ensure fair compensation for injuries and damages. Seeking legal counsel familiar with Chicago accident reports can help navigate the legal complexities associated with proving liability in a car crash.

Single Vehicle Accidents

Single vehicle accidents in Chicago involve only one vehicle and can result from various factors such as inclement weather, road conditions, or driver error. Understanding the causes and implications of these accidents is crucial for those seeking legal recourse. Drivers involved in single vehicle accidents may sustain a range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to more severe outcomes such as whiplash, broken bones, or traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can have long-lasting effects on a driver’s physical health and emotional well-being, leading to extensive medical bills and potential loss of income. In such situations, it is important for drivers to be aware of their legal rights in Chicago and the options available for seeking compensation.

Common Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents in Chicago can lead to a range of common injuries that vary in severity and long-term impact on victims. Understanding these injuries is crucial for assessing damages and pursuing legal claims related to a motor vehicle accident. One of the most prevalent injuries resulting from car accidents in Chicago is whiplash. This occurs when the neck is forcefully jerked back and forth, leading to strain on the muscles and ligaments. Broken bones are also common, especially in high-impact collisions. The treatment for broken bones usually involves immobilization and, in severe cases, surgical intervention. Head and brain injuries are another serious consequence, varying from concussions to traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can have long-lasting effects and may require ongoing medical care and rehabilitation. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis or loss of sensation below the injury site. Treatments for spinal cord injuries often focus on stabilizing the spine and preventing further damage. Internal injuries, such as organ damage or internal bleeding, may not always be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening if left untreated. Prompt medical attention is crucial to assess and address these hidden injuries. Prognosis for car accident injuries depends on various factors, including the type and severity of the injury, timely medical intervention, and individual health conditions. Legal considerations play a significant role in seeking compensation for these injuries, as victims may be entitled to damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.


Whiplash is a common injury in car accidents in Chicago, characterized by neck strain due to sudden back-and-forth movement. Victims of rear-end collisions are particularly susceptible to whiplash injuries. The symptoms of whiplash may include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and even memory issues. Diagnosis is usually based on physical examinations, imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans, and evaluation of medical history. Treatment options for whiplash injuries often involve pain management, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgical intervention. In terms of legal aspects, individuals involved in car accidents in Chicago and suffering from whiplash injuries may face challenges with medical bills, insurance claims, and seeking legal representation. It’s crucial to document all medical expenses, follow prescribed treatments, and consult with experienced attorneys to navigate the legal implications effectively. Seeking help from an experienced car accident lawyer is essential for legal representation and protection of rights.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are a frequent outcome of car accidents in Chicago, with the severity ranging from fractures to compound breaks. These injuries can have long-lasting effects on mobility and quality of life. Common types of fractures seen in car accident victims include compression fractures, avulsion fractures, and oblique fractures. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the bone break, with some cases requiring casting, splinting, or surgery for proper healing. Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in restoring range of motion and strength post-injury, with physical therapy and occupational therapy often recommended. In terms of pursuing compensation for medical expenses and lost wages related to car accident injuries, consulting with legal experts, expert witnesses, and insurance companies becomes essential for navigating the legal complexities surrounding personal injury claims. It is also important to hire an experienced car accident attorney to handle legal matters related to broken bones.

Head and Brain Injuries

Head and brain injuries from car accidents in Chicago can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries, leading to cognitive impairment, physical disabilities, or emotional challenges. Prompt medical attention and legal support are vital for such cases. Concussions are considered mild traumatic brain injuries that may result in temporary confusion, headaches, or memory problems. On the other hand, severe traumatic brain injuries can lead to long-term issues such as memory loss, speech difficulties, or even paralysis. It is crucial for affected individuals to undergo thorough medical evaluations to determine the extent of the injury and develop appropriate treatment plans. Rehabilitation programs often include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychological counseling to help patients regain lost abilities.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries resulting from car accidents in Chicago can have devastating effects on mobility, sensation, and overall quality of life. These injuries often require extensive medical care and ongoing support. Such injuries can lead to paralysis, chronic pain, and loss of bodily functions. The treatment options for spinal cord injuries may include surgery, rehabilitation therapy, and assistive devices to aid in daily activities. The recovery process can be lengthy and challenging, requiring a multidisciplinary approach involving healthcare professionals, therapists, and caregivers. Plus physical recovery, car accident victims with spinal cord injuries often face substantial financial burdens, including medical bills, lost wages, and long-term care costs. Seeking compensation through insurance claims or legal avenues is crucial to alleviate the financial strain. Understanding the legal aspects, such as statutes of limitations and liability issues, is essential when pursuing a claim for compensation. Experienced legal representation specializing in personal injury cases can help navigate the complex process of pursuing damages for the injuries sustained.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries sustained in a car crash in Chicago may not be immediately apparent but can have serious consequences if left untreated. Understanding the signs and seeking medical and legal assistance is crucial for victims of such injuries. Some common types of internal injuries that can result from car accidents include traumatic brain injuries, internal bleeding, organ damage, and fractured ribs. These injuries may not show external signs initially, making them challenging to diagnose without proper medical imaging such as CT scans or MRIs. Once diagnosed, treatment options can range from surgery for severe cases to monitoring and pain management for less critical injuries. Seeking compensation for these injuries involves navigating legal processes, proving negligence, and working with insurance companies to ensure financial recovery.

Causes of Car Accidents in Chicago

Car accidents in Chicago can be attributed to various causes, including distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, and reckless behavior. These factors not only endanger the lives of drivers and passengers but also have significant implications on insurance rates, legal proceedings, and overall traffic congestion in the city. Distracted driving is particularly prevalent due to the rise of smartphones and other electronic devices. Drunk driving remains a serious issue despite strict laws and enforcement. Speeding contributes to the severity of accidents, while reckless behavior often leads to devastating consequences.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a significant contributor to car accidents in Chicago, with activities like texting, eating, or using electronic devices diverting attention from the road. Such behaviors can lead to collisions and serious injuries. Engaging in conversations with passengers, adjusting the radio, or even daydreaming while driving can all be forms of distracted driving that are prevalent in the bustling streets of Chicago. These distractions not only put the driver at risk but also jeopardize the safety of pedestrians and other road users. According to Chicago traffic laws, drivers found guilty of causing accidents due to distraction can face severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even criminal charges if the distraction results in a fatality.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving remains a persistent problem in causing car accidents in Chicago, with impaired judgment and coordination leading to devastating crashes. Despite numerous efforts to curb this issue, drunk driving incidents continue to occur, posing a serious threat to the safety of all road users. In Illinois, individuals caught driving under the influence can face severe legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, and potential jail time. These DUI laws are in place to deter offenders and protect the public from the dangers of impaired driving. The impact of alcohol-related accidents extends far beyond legal ramifications, often leading to tragic consequences for innocent victims and their families.


Excessive speeding is a leading cause of car accidents in Chicago, increasing the risk of collisions, injuries, and fatalities on the road. Enforcing speed limits and promoting safe driving habits are essential for reducing the impact of speeding-related accidents. Speeding not only endangers the lives of drivers and passengers but also puts pedestrians and cyclists at risk. The high velocity at which vehicles travel when speeding reduces reaction time, making it harder to avoid accidents. Excessive speed can amplify the severity of collisions, leading to more significant injuries and even death. Law enforcement agencies in Chicago are continually monitoring roadways to crack down on speeding violations and uphold traffic safety laws. Legal repercussions for speeding-related accidents can vary, ranging from fines and license suspension to potential criminal charges and civil lawsuits.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving behaviors such as aggressive maneuvers, tailgating, or ignoring traffic signals contribute to a significant number of car accidents in Chicago. Addressing reckless driving through education and enforcement measures is crucial for enhancing road safety. In Chicago, reckless driving can take various forms, from speeding in heavy traffic to running red lights or weaving in and out of lanes without signaling. These actions not only endanger the lives of those involved in the reckless behavior but also put other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists at risk. Such reckless driving behaviors increase the likelihood of serious injuries and fatalities in car accidents, leading to a surge in accident reports and insurance claims. Law enforcement agencies in Chicago are vigilant in monitoring and penalizing drivers who engage in reckless driving, with penalties ranging from fines and license points to potential imprisonment for severe cases.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Knowing the appropriate steps to take after a car accident in Chicago is essential for ensuring the safety of individuals involved, gathering necessary evidence, and protecting one’s legal rights. Prompt action and adherence to post-accident protocols can significantly impact the outcome of any subsequent claims. Consulting Chicago car accident lawyers can help you understand your legal rights and potential courses of action. The moments after an accident are crucial. Besides gathering evidence, your quick and informed actions can help save the lives of injured individuals. If you are in a car crash, follow these steps:

Remain at the scene – Don’t leave the scene of a car accident. You’ll need to be at the location to collect information and evidence, wait for and receive medical help, and talk to witnesses in the area.

  • Call the police – If you’re in a motor vehicle accident or fender bender in Chicago, it’s important to call the police. They can help investigate the fault and document the details of the car accident in a police report.  If the police cannot come out, be sure to head to a police station afterward and file a report.
  • Check for injuries – Examine yourself and your passengers for any injuries. Seek medical attention right away if you are hurt or injured, and make sure if the other driver needs assistance.
  • Collect and exchange information – Motor vehicle accident cases depend heavily on information. Always ask for the other driver’s phone number, address, driver’s license number, insurance information, and email address.
  • Take lots of pictures – Photos at the scene are your only chance to document what happened in real time.  Photos of the motor vehicle accident can help prove fault and get you the maximum settlement for your claim from the insurance company.
  • Don’t delete records – Big or small, all records are important and you should keep all records from the car accident, including any correspondence with the insurance company and the other driver.
  • Obtain legal counsel – Call an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer as soon as possible, as it is the only way to receive maximum compensation for your accident and injuries.
Our car accident lawyer Chicago team starts every case immediately by collecting evidence to prove your case. We try to put you in the best position to collect a fair settlement from the insurance company. Let us take care of the legal aspects so that you can focus on your health and recovery.

What to do after leaving the scene of a car accident

After you have made sure you and your passengers are safe, received medical attention and left the car accident scene, you must be sure to document your incident and obtain a police report. This will give you the best chance to protect yourself and obtain compensation. Illinois does not require motorists to file accident reports with the Department of Transportation. This is why it is important that you know what to do after a car accident and act quickly to document what happens. Therefore, we suggest that even in minor accidents with no injuries, it may be best to report the accident to the police.

How to file a police report in Chicago

Filing a police report after a car accident is one of the best ways to document your case. To file a police report in Chicago or Illinois, there are a few options. First, you can always find your local police station and make a report in person. Second, you can call police non-emergency at 3-1-1, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Third, under certain circumstances when the accident does not involve physical injury or death, you can file a report online with the Illinois State Police Online Crash Reporting Application.

How long do you have to report a car accident in Illinois?

If you plan on or want to file a car accident crash report, Illinois has a statute of limitations under Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/11-408 that says you must file a motor vehicle crash report within ten days of a car accident. Sometimes these forms may be confusing to motorists, especially after an accident which is why it is best to contact the police to make their own report, so you don’t have to file a police report.

Should you report a minor accident?

Minor car accidents usually don’t have physical injuries. It is possible your car only has some small dents or scratches. Maybe right after the car accident, you walk away from the scene instead of seeking medical care. Or maybe your accident involves one vehicle with property damage. Sometimes people say you shouldn’t report a car accident because you might increase your insurance rates or the police might give you a traffic ticket or even a criminal charge. It is best practice to contact law enforcement and tell your insurance company about the accident. Most times, making the appropriate reports are necessary to comply with Illinois law and the terms of your insurance policy.

What do the police do when you report a car accident?

If the car accident is serious and patrolmen are available, the police will respond to the accident and conduct an investigation. This is when they prepare a police report. Police will try to determine who is at fault – they’ll check to see if anyone is intoxicated or over the legal limit for alcohol or drugs. Police will ticket anyone they believe violated Illinois or local traffic laws. Copies of the police report are available later, and you’ll most likely need to contact your insurance company. If you are in the rare number of auto accidents where the police choose not to respond, Illinois law still allows you to report the crash. Within ten days of the accident, you can file a report at a local police station. Alternatively, within ten days, you may fill out a form and submit it online. Submitting the auto accident report online is an available option when there is a single vehicle cash, a property damage only (non-injury) crash, or a crash that occurs on interstate highways or Illinois State Roadways. However, if your accident involves injury to or death of any person, damage over $1500 to any single vehicle or property, or damaged over $500 to any uninsured vehicle, you must report the vehicle crash to law enforcement.

How to handle insurance after a car accident

Most insurance policies will require you to report your accident to your insurance. Failure to do so may result in breaking the terms of your insurance contract. Reporting the accident is also a crucial first step in pursuing a personal injury claim, especially in cases related to collisions or wrongful death car accidents in Illinois. It’s important to meet the deadline for filing such claims to avoid forfeiting the right to seek compensation. However, there are other practical reasons why you should quickly report a car accident to your insurance company:
  • If you try to negotiate the accident personally with the other driver, you might agree to settle for a certain amount before realizing the full extent of your injuries. This will make getting fair compensation for your injuries later down the road much more difficult, particularly if you intend to pursue a personal injury claim.
  • The insurance company will likely get a copy of your driving record and the accident report. It is better if they find out about the accident from you rather than have them accuse you of trying to keep them from finding out.
  • Depending on your policy, your insurance might directly help cover some of your losses, even if the accident is your fault. This goes for both property damage and personal injury.
After you have reported an auto accident, the insurance company will begin investigating the accident. You must work with the insurance adjustors to provide information and present your case. This is where a car accident attorney can help you present your claim best and provide the information the insurance adjuster needs. An experienced car accident attorney will help prove who was at fault and be available for settlement negotiations.

Who determines fault in an auto accident?

There are multiple parties involved that may investigate an auto accident to determine fault after a crash. The police may investigate and determine fault as it relates to traffic laws to determine if anyone committed a crime or violated a traffic law where the accident occurred. The insurance companies will be looking at whether anyone acted negligently and whether that negligence contributed to the crash. The courts also assess fault through formal legal proceedings using the rules of evidence to evaluate the evidence on both sides.

Multi-vehicle accidents

Our skilled car accident attorneys Chicago team can help collect evidence, determine fault, file your car accident claim, negotiate a fair settlement, or take your case to court if needed, especially in the context of a car accident lawsuit. In a multiple vehicle car accident, initiating a car accident lawsuit involves suing another driver if their behavior was negligent and caused the crash, even if multiple vehicles were involved. This process includes understanding the legal considerations and steps involved in filing a car accident lawsuit, such as the procedural aspects, potential recovery, and the importance of seeking justice and determining case worth with legal representation. The driver that causes the accident is liable for your damages. Illinois uses a modified comparative negligence system that says as long as you are not found to be 50% or more responsible for the crash, an injured party may recover damages and compensation when you sue someone after a car crash. Our experienced car accident lawyers are adept at navigating the complexities of car accident lawsuits, helping to prove the other driver was at fault. Without clear proof of the proportion of fault in the accident, your claim in a car accident lawsuit may be denied.

Is Illinois a no-fault state for car accidents?

Illinois is not a no-fault state for car accidents. This means that the person responsible for the accident must pay the victims for their losses, even if their injuries and losses are minor. Illinois law mandates that drivers carry car insurance that has at least some minimum coverage:
  • $25,000 bodily injury liability coverage person
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability coverage per accident
  • $20,000 property damage liability coverage
Illinois requires car insurance to compensate victims when they’re at fault for an accident.

What is the Car Accident Claim Process?

If you decide to go through the insurance company for compensation after a car accident, a car accident lawyer can help you negotiate and protect your rights. Insurance companies aim to settle quickly and for the least amount of money. The process involved in a car accident claim includes:
  • Filing a claim
  • Answering questions from insurance adjusters
  • Investigation by adjusters
  • Reviewing settlement options
  • Receiving final compensation
Car accident lawyers can help you get a fair settlement and ensure you aren’t taken advantage of by an adjuster. They can also address issues if your claim is rejected.

Negotiating your accident case with insurance

Once a demand letter is sent to an insurance adjuster the negotiations begin.  The response time for the adjuster to respond is going to depend on the claimant’s demands, the adjuster’s schedule and the case’s complexity and volume of records. If the insurance adjuster is not quick to respond, it is good to follow up every two weeks to check for status updates. Some insurance companies have a policy to dragging out negotiations as long as possible with claimant’s, especially if no attorneys are involved.

What is discussed during claim negotiation

Insurance adjusters will ask a series of questions and try to poke holes through your story in order to reduce the value of the claimant’s monetary compensation. Topics that adjusters dispute are:
  • Coverage – Whether an insurance policy will even cover the accident
  • Liability – Who is at fault, and to what degree are they at fault
  • Seriousness of the claimant’s injuries – The seriousness of injury and whether it is permanent. Were any injuries pre-existing conditions?
  • Types of medical treatment – Whether the treatment received was appropriate or necessary, relative to the injury sustained
An insurance adjuster will always try to dispute your claims in order to reduce the claimant’s offer.

What insurance adjusters don’t want you to know

While you may want to obtain treatment and be treated fairly, given your car accident and injury, the driver’s insurance company will have other motives in mind.

Insurance adjusters want to settle

The priority for insurance adjusters is to settle. When a case goes to trial, legal and court fees increase substantially, and they are at much greater risk of losing. Insurance companies want to minimize costs as frequently and quickly as possible. Therefore, insurance companies will try to settle, as opposed to paying litigation fees and high settlement amounts. Knowing that insurance companies prefer settlements,  you are in a stronger position knowing your options.

Insurance adjusters must act in good faith 

Insurance adjusters are required to negotiate with claimants in good faith, meaning they must be honest and sincere in their dealings. This includes treating the insured with equal regard as it does its own interests, assisting the insured with the claim, quickly and promptly investigating claims, communicating reasonably promptly with the claimant, and conducting its investigation fairly and with reasonable effort. An insurance adjuster is legally liable for actions in bad faith. This means that an insurance adjuster can get in legal trouble themselves if they don’t treat you fairly.

Insurance adjusters may be recording your statements

Always be on alert and assume that insurance adjusters are recording your conversations and communications. Having a lawyer working with you will keep the insurance adjuster from trying to trick you into self-incrimination. Having experienced accident attorneys working with you can make a major difference in your final settlement. Being in a car accident is stressful enough without having to handle the legal aspects and negotiations on your own. We are at your side from beginning to end so you are never alone.

Why might your claim be denied?

There are several reasons that insurance companies might deny a claim:
  • Material misrepresentation – Withholding or failing to provide material information can be grounds for an insurance claim denial. No matter what type of insurance you are dealing with, the insurance company must have up-to-date information. Therefore, not being up to date on important information may be considered fraud.
  • Fraudulent and false claims – If an insurance company uncovers fraudulent or falsified information, not only would your claim be denied, but you may receive a note in your comprehensive file, and have trouble obtaining insurance or claims in the future.
  • Acts while breaking the law – Drunk driving (DUI/DWI), distracted driving, stunt driving or racing, or unlicensed driving, your claim will likely be thrown out. You may also lose your coverage and become uninsurable in the future.
  • Insurance does not cover the claim – Sometimes, an insurance policy does not cover or excludes certain incidents or claims. This is one of the main grounds used by insurance companies to deny claims in full.

Talk to a Chicago Car Accident Lawyer As Soon As Possible

Car accidents can cause significant physical, emotional, and mental distress. It’s important to hold responsible parties accountable and ensure victims receive proper compensation. Skiba Injury Law Attorneys have a proven history of helping car accident victims in the Chicagoland area. Our legal team provides a unique and detailed approach to each case, offering compassionate, dedicated, and organized support. If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us today to see how we can help you through this stressful time.
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