Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Chicago

Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Chicago

Bicycle accidents often lead to serious injuries after a crash. A bicycle accident lawyer plays a crucial role in providing legal assistance, guiding you through the process of seeking compensation. If you were hurt by a careless driver while riding your bike, you, as bicycle accident victims, deserve just and fair compensation for your losses and suffering. A skilled Chicago bicycle accident lawyer at Skiba Injury Law can help you get justice while you focus on healing and recovery. Bicycle traffic is on the rise, as cities try to encourage fewer cars and promote alternative means of transportation. There are thousands of bicycle accidents in Chicago every year, with 2,016 reported bicycle accidents in 2023.

FAQs about bicycle accident cases

How do I start a bicycle accident lawsuit?

Here is what to do if you get into a bicycle accident:

Seek medical attention for your injuries right away:

If you are hurt, you must get the proper treatment for your injuries, and have medical records that tie your injuries to the accident

Take a lot of pictures:

Photos and videos of the accident scene, including injuries and property damage, are some of the best forms of evidence

Get everyone’s contact information:

Gather insurance information, contact information, and as much information as possible from any parties involved or witnesses

Speak with an attorney:

Consult with bicycle accident lawyer to see if you may have a case before you make contact with an insurance company If you work with an experienced bike accident lawyer, your attorney will gather evidence and put together a case on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery. Insurance companies are intimidated by attorneys, and thus, with aggressive negotiation, your claim will most likely settle without a trial. However, if the insurance company is not negotiating fairly or treating your case with respect, you may have to take the case to trial. You deserve just and fair compensation. Our team will fight for you until you get the financial support you’re entitled to after an accident. If you have been in a bike accident and have questions, call us today for a consultation. Understanding the importance of filing a bicycle accident claim promptly with the help of an attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your case, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Can anyone hire a lawyer for a bicycle accident?

We take bicycle accidents and bike crashes just as seriously as any other type of injury or accident. If you are hurt in a bicycle accident, you deserve fair compensation. Our free consultations are always confidential with attorney-client privileges. Call today to discuss your case with a bike accident lawyer and see how we can help.

What types of damages can I recover from a bicycle accident lawsuit?

In a bicycle accident case you can recover the value of your financial losses plus other compensation. These damages may include:
  • Medical expenses (current and future)
  • Rehabilitation or physical therapy costs
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
You should seek medical help immediately to prevent your injuries from worsening. Our experienced attorneys will analyze your case and determine the full value of the damages you incurred. In order to get the maximum financial compensation for your injuries, working with attorneys who understand the details and nuances of bicycle accidents and personal injury cases is essential.

How to win a bike accident claim?

To win your Chicago bicycle accident lawsuit, you must show that you’re hurt because of a driver’s negligence, meaning they did not operate the motor vehicle carefully on the roads. Proving negligence involving a motor vehicle is crucial in winning a bike accident claim. While you can show other circumstances, such as breaking traffic laws, the most straightforward approach is to show that the driver was negligent around a cyclist.

What if the driver sped off after my accident?

If the driver who hit you sped off in a hit-and-run bicycle accident, our experienced team of injury attorneys can help piece the incident and situation together in order to determine who might be responsible and how you can claim compensation for your damages.  We can help with:
  • Finding surveillance video or images (city, business, residential)
  • Contacting witnesses of the accident
  • Gathering evidence from the police report

Liability for Bicycle Accidents in Chicago?

Sometimes it seems that bicycle crashes simply involve motor vehicles and bicycle riders, but that is not always the case. There may be other negligent parties involved in your bicycle crash.

Negligent Driver

Negligent drivers are one of the most common reasons why bicycle accidents happen. Many drivers do not know the rules of the road when it comes to bicyclists. Some common causes of bike accidents include:
  • Motor vehicle drivers failing to see bicyclists
  • Drivers are distracted and not paying attention to cyclists
  • Dooring accidents, when a car door opens on a bike path
  • Speeding around bike riders
  • Failure to yield for cyclists
  • Lack of property lighting  in low-light conditions
  • Not giving cyclists enough room and passing too closely to a bike lane
  • Road rage
  • Left cross, right cross, or right hook collisions
  • Motorists encroaching into a bike lane, posing risks such as distracted drivers veering into bike lanes and failing to observe cyclists

Bike Manufacturers

Sometimes bike accidents occur due to faulty or dangerous equipment. For example, a parts manufacturer or production facility can negligently produce or assemble something that should not be used, or fails to warn bikers about a dangerous product. If you were in a bicycle accident due to failed brakes or other faulty parts, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturer. A Chicago bicycle accident lawyer can tell you more about your options.

Cities or Municipalities

If your bicycle accident resulted from negligence of a local city, town or village, you may be eligible for compensation. The following defects may have hurt injured cyclists who were using public streets or riding in public areas:
  • Potholes
  • Traffic light malfunctions
  • Missing or obstructed traffic signs
  • Drains and sewers not properly covered
Documentation is important when building a bike accident case. Take photos of what you hit or where you lost control. If you were crossing an intersection with traffic lights that were malfunctioning, video record the timing sequence to show it is not working properly. Also, talk to witnesses. Store owners or locals may have witnessed or complained about certain defects for a while. If the same problems have hurt other bike riders, it may strengthen your case.

Bikeshare or Bike Rentals

A number of cities are trying to make biking more accessible to the public in an attempt to reduce motor vehicle traffic. Bikeshare companies such as Divvy now allow Chicago cyclists quick and easy access to bicycles almost anywhere. However, these bicycles must be routinely maintained or repaired in order to ride properly and safely. Failure to monitor routine maintenance or pull defective bikes out of service may lead to bicycle accidents.

What are common bicycle accident injuries?

Because cyclists are exposed to the elements and road conditions, injuries after an accident can be severe and permanently damaging. Some types of bike crash injuries are:
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Facial fractures and contusions
  • Broken bones
  • Dental fractures
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Concussions
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Dislocations, strains, and torn ligaments
  • Road rash

What If I Am Partly to Blame for the Bike Crash?

The comparative negligence rules in Illinois apply to many types of injury situations. Therefore, if you did not follow bicycle laws while riding, you will not be totally prevented from recovering compensation as long as your portion of the fault does not exceed 50%. You can expect your compensation to be reduced to account for your portion of the liability. Speak to one of our Chicago bicycle accident lawyers for a free consultation in order to accurately evaluate liability in your personal injury case.

Do I need a Chicago bicycle accident attorney?

If you were injured while riding your bike in Chicago, you should consider consulting with experienced Chicago bicycle accident lawyers. If you are injured due to someone else’s fault, you shouldn’t have to pay for medical costs, property damage, or pain and suffering. If you’ve been involved in a Chicago bike accident and are unsure of the value of your case, we are here to help and provide an honest opinion. We’ll be at your side, guiding you through the process from beginning to end, so you don’t have to go through this alone. Also, you can read about the Uber/Lyft accident.
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